Day two we headed to a launch point near the eastern mangroves hotel for a kayaking trip around the mangroves. The wind was up and waves were choppy, this made a difficult paddle out to the mangroves but everyone got there, some who had clicked on how to paddle faster than others. Using some muscles students didn’t know they had (and some teachers) we made it out to the mangroves and stopped on a short shoreline for a rest and a swim. Small crab holes littered the beach area and everyone was given the choice to carry on or stop and have a rest. Everyone decided they wanted more adventure and headed further into the mangroves. The trees closed in and the water became shallow and everyone had to alter their paddling strokes to navigate through the small water streets of the mangroves. A long paddle against the wind back to the launch area and the trip was over. Not before a few people had fallen in the water. A trip with no one capsizing, where is the fun in that? After this we headed to the beach for some well earned fun playing beach games and flying kites.